shit sia. i private my blog also kena spam.
i think ppl whom i invited might b the spammer. tapy sumer invite are girls.
hmmm?? :/

Privating blogs just great.
hello! currently having blog lesson.
srry for the dusty blog!
DONS Sayaww~ here updating ayeen's blogger.
She now texting me n out with mahirah n shikin.
tomorrow she gotta urhm, swimming sehh.
ok, till here yankees.
Labels: i heart owna
"If you have a dream, go for it.
Whatever happens, live it"Hey, Hi, Hello
i wan a camera with necklace design lurh. that's waht i wanted. then, AWWWWWE!
i told hym my cravings n he bought the necklace for me lah so sweet of hym tau. hwehee.
so nw curently talking to "miss" people. from bukit view pri. awhe hw i miss them tauu.
supposed to have the lit then cancelled to thursdae. but then thurs veh bz yknow.
Thursday: Oral (was being postponed lurh, suck!)
Lit blogging( UGHHHHH!!)
Outdoor education ( must do coz did not do)
Hiphop/Zephyr (i cant come. so miss 2 suntec lessons D: )
Depressed right now, byebye luh kalau begitu.